
There is a NCC unit in the college, both for the boys and girls. (under 55 Bengal Bn NCC, Tamluk). Interested students may contact the In charge of NCC unit of the college for enrolment.

Incharge of NCC Unit

  • Prof. Pradip Mondal
  • Mr. Tarun Kr Bhattacharya (N.C.C. Clerk)




There are four N. S. S. units and four Programme Officers for four hundred students (NSS volunteers) in the college. The students may contact the Programme Officer/s of the NSS units of the college for their enrolment. To initiate and promote interactions with the society, special camps are organised by the NSS units at different places nearby to arrange seminars, social activities like afforestation, cleaning of the locality, discussing about sanitation, family welfare etc. in the remote villages.

UNIT – I Prof. Abhijit Bhattacharya
UNIT – II Prof. Mousuni Ghatak
UNIT – III Dr. Rajarshi Kayal
UNIT – IV Prof. Suddhasattwa Burman

Students’ Union

The Students’ Union, a statutory body of the college, guides and conducts the academy, sports and cultural activities of the students in a disciplined and constitutional manner. The Students’ Union is under the absolute and ultimate control of the Principal/TIC.

The Students’ Union organizes freshers’ welcome, debates, social gathering, recreational functions, tour programmes, indoor and outdoor games and sports, blood donation camps, celebration of memorable days and events, relief programmes etc. to assist and co-operate the college authorities in making all college functions successful.

Il a aussi été montré que l’inuline de la chicorée améliorait la biodisponibilité du calcium chez l’homme, ce qui se révèle intéressant dans le traitement de l’ostéoporose. Enfin, la racine de chicorée présente des vertus antibactériennes, antifongiques et anti-malariques combat le paludisme. Le nom de genre Cichorium est la transcription latine du grec kichorion, qui viendrait de kio aller et chorion champ , illustrant son habitat naturel. Le nom d’espèce intybus viendrait du grec ancien entubion, qui désignait la chicorée sauvage, également à l’origine du terme endive. Depuis toujours, la chicorée est symbole de protection : en Égypte, elle était connue pour son pouvoir contre les maléfices et les actes de sorcellerie.