Courses Offered


Subject Division

  • Humanities Group: Beng., Eng., Edn., Hist., Phil., Pol. Sci., Sans.
  • Science Group : Bot., Chem., Econ., Geo., Math., Physics, Physio, Zoo.
  • Commerce stream : Accounting and finance.
  • General

    Subject Division

  • Humanities Group: Beng., Eng., Edn., Hist., Phil., Pol. Sci., Sans., Sociology, Physical Education
  • Science Group : Bot., Chem., Econ., Geo., Math., Physics, Physio, Zoo., Computer science, Physiology
  • Commerce stream :B.Com (gen)
  • Fee structure

    To know the detailed fee structure one can click the “Fee structure” link given in the very last line of the page.

    Procedure of Enrolment

    Application for admission and enrolment to any course in the college should be made in the prescribed format available online as per Admission Notification after the publication of results of H. S. / equivalent Examination. In the NOTICE BOARD all admission notifications will be updated. All concern are hereby informed to check the notice given in that notice section.

    General Instructions

    Admission to the college implies an undertaking on the part of the student to confirm willingly to be loyal to college rules & regulations and directives to be issued from time to time by the college authority. Extreme care should be exercised in the following matters:

    1. Students must be polite and loyal in manner and behaviour.
    2. Loitering, shouting and smoking in the campus are strictly forbidden.
    3. Postering and writing in walls and spitting everywhere are not allowed.
    4. Entry in college with Identity card is a must.
    5. 75% attendance in class is essential for University Examination.
    6. Attendance in Internal Assessment is a must.
    7. Entry in office without reasonable cause is strictly forbidden.
    8. Good conduct, regular attendance and satisfactory progress are the preconditions for getting concessions in tuition fees.
    9. Pollution of college environment in any way of unhealthy conduct would be strictly dealt with.
    10. The college authority reserves the right to expel any unruly student of the college any time from the college.
    11. “As per instruction from Vidyasagar University (vide letter no. VU/R/291/08 dt. 25.03.08) & U.G.C. (No. F1 – 8 / 2006 CPP – 11) dated 04.03.08, if any incident of ragging comes to the notice of the authority the concerned student shall be given liberty to explain and if his / her explanation is not found satisfactory, the authority would expel that student from the Institution.”
    12. The students are directed to bring to the notice of the Principal immediately if they face any problem.