NAAC Peer team visited our college on 13th March, 2007 and gave us some suggestions. According to the advice and NAAC guidelines the IQAC of our college came in to being in the year 2007. Since its very inception IQAC had been committed to upheld the status of B++ grade given by NAAC and improve the overall standard of the institute. From the very name of the cell, the members of the cell tried to develop the very essence of the institution. The cell primarily had laid much importance on the enhancement of quality of faculty members. Since then member of teachers from various faculties availed Faculty Development-Project from 2008 onwards. As many as 11 National Level Seminars and 17 international and national webinars have been organised by different faculties. A number of Minor and Major Research Projects have been undertaken by our teachers. State Aided College Teachers of various departments are encouraged to pursue Ph.D work and almost half of the State Aided College Teachers now getting enrolled for doing Ph.D. All these reflect the urge of faculty members to develop their academic qualities. The IQAC has always been very much encouraging in this respect. IQAC has also felt the necessity of maintaining a cordial and cooperative spirit among the teachers, office staff and the students.

Adopted Policies for 2023-24

AQAR 2021-22

AQAR 2020-21

Best practices 2020 21

Minutes of meeting 2020 21

Adopted policies for 2021-22

Academic Calender 2021-22

Adopted policies for 2020-21

Academic Calender 2020-21

AQAR 2019-20

Best practices 2019-20

AQAR 2018-19



Policies adopted in 2019-20

Policies adopted in 2018-19

Best Practices adopted in 2018-19

AQAR 2017-18

Policies adopted in 2018


Minutes of IQAC and Action Taken Report 2018-19

Minutes of IQAC and Action Taken Report 2017-18

AQAR 2016-2017

AQAR 2015-2016

AQAR 2014-2015

AQAR 2013-2014

AQAR 2012-2013